1. Enter your show title … “Backwoods Life TV’
  2. Enter this episode’s title … “Florida Pimp Limp Gobbler”
  3. Enter your show description. This is required for your content to be loaded into the MyOutdoorTV system!
  4. Paste the download link for this episode … from Google Drive or Dropbox or whatever you use for sending your files. If you’re not sending a new episode, leave this blank.
    PLEASE NOTE: Make sure to set your files accessible to everyone so there’s no permissions issues with downloading files. Also, we cannot accept links to shared folders. We have to receive a download link for each individual episode. 
  5. Enter the air year
  6. Enter the Season number for this episode. If this is your Season 7 … this is what you enter here.
  7. Enter the Episode number for this episode. If this is episode 7 (regardless of what week) of your current season … this is what you enter here.
  8. Enter the air quarter
  9. Enter the week in which this episode is intended to be aired.
  10. Give us notes … if you wish to re-air an episode, etc.
  11. Enter your email address, so we can let you know if there are issues
  12. Verify you’re not a robot
  13. Click Submit
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